5 Actionable Steps to Boost Employee Well-Being (And Chase Away the ‘Sian-ness’)

Ever left work on Friday feeling restless because the important project you wanted to complete got buried under a pile of urgent tasks from your colleagues?

If you know what it’s like to be stressed, you’re not alone! In our fast-paced Singapore, looming deadlines can make us and our office atmospheres feel tense, especially when we’re busier.

Stress is inevitable, but we can learn to manage it better and increase our well-being. Apart from long-term workplace policies, how can you start encouraging a culture of well-being at your workplace? 🍎💚

Let’s take small steps together with these 5 practical and immediately actionable tips. 

#1 Revitalise your office with flowers and plants.

Bring nature indoors with lush greenery and vibrant blooms. Studies show that intentionally incorporating flowers and plants into your office:

Imagine: staring at dreary white walls, colourless computer screens, and your colleagues a little hunched over at their desks on a slowwww-moving Monday. 🐌

Now think about it again, picture:🌱 FRESH, calming greenery all around 🌿, and a bright vase of cheery sunflowers at your desk 🌻.  Feeling more energised already? ⚡😉

Reap the benefits of affordable fresh table floral arrangements or flower bouquets to chase away the stress and cheer your employees up.

Take a deep breath in with our fresh table floral arrangements and floral hand bouquets here.

✅ What you need: A simple vase of fresh flowers every month.

#2 Set up a simple employee recognition wall.

We all know that employee recognition matters, but do we know how much it really matters?

Studies show that:

  • 4 in 10 employees are likely to hunt for other jobs when they don’t feel recognized for the hard work they put in. (That’s high employee turnover! 😨) 
  • On the flip side, when employees receive regular and consistent recognition, 80% of them report feeling happier, and are 2.7x more likely to be engaged in their work.

And while personal positive feedback from leaders remains the most memorable type of recognition (or even career highlight) for employees, meaningful peer to peer recognition is also deeply appreciated. 💝

So, if you’re a boss, start building the habit of looking out for ways that your employees have been contributing to the team. And as peers, it’s always great to hear the colleagues you work closest to give genuine compliments when you’ve achieved something new.

Recognition is about letting your employees or colleagues know that you value their contributions and achievements, and the more specific, the better! ✍

So, grab your employees a few post-it stacks, allocate a pinboard 📌, or an empty, white wall in office, and encourage everyone to put up post-it notes that sincerely highlight their colleague’s or employee’s achievements. 

✅ What you need: Post-its, a wall/pin board, pens/markers.

#3 Arrange fun and easy events.

Having fun at work positively impacts your employees’ mental well-being. Fun experiences help to relieve stress that contributes to burnout (which can be even more costly to businesses over time. Think: quiet quitting.)

We often think of having fun at work in a negative light, but here’s a surprise: employees who have fun at work are more committed and engaged, because an enjoyable office atmosphere stimulates creativity in their work.

So even if events can take a while to plan at first, why not start with something simple, like ‘Bring Your Pet to Work Day’ 🦜, simple ice cream treats 🍧 or fun games employees can play and compete in throughout the week at their own time.

✅ What you need: Reliable food vendors, or wallet-friendly items online.

#4 Express your appreciation with simple gifts.

Recognition is about what people do; appreciation is about who they are’.
Harvard Business Review, on employee appreciation.

The effort, dedication to excellence, and earnest attitudes of your employees are just a few things to appreciate about your employees.

An affordable gift of $50-100, accompanied with a personal thanksgiving note can boost employee engagement for at least 3 months. 📈

Think about your employees at work who have a brilliant eye for detail 👀, or the ones who always seem to brighten up the workplace with their positivity and cheer. 😊

Showing them your appreciation not only through words of affirmation, but also affordable gifts during appropriate occasions can go a long way. 🎁 Why not forge better working relationships with them by celebrating their personal milestones too?

Birthdays, newborns, weddings, and long-service awards – pick a few key milestones that mean a lot to them and show them your care and appreciation for them holistically.

✅ What you need: Affordable gifts suitable for different occasions.

#5 Provide healthier snacks in office.

Food coma, sugar crash – you know what we’re talking about. That post-lunch slump in work productivity and energy is… ughh. 😪😣

Eating fruits instead of sweet snacks can increase our energy levels and productivity. Foods with natural sugars (vs. processed sugars) slow down how fast our bodies absorb and digest the sugar. 🍎 So, eating foods such as fruits can help to prevent the sugar crash that comes from rapid blood sugar spikes and drops.

Get some fresh fruits for your employees and support them in living healthier lifestyles.

✅ What you need: Fresh fruit baskets to perk your employees up.

The Gift of Well-Being with Humming

If you’re looking forward to trying out some of these ideas, we’re all ready to get you started!

With a diverse selection of floral arrangement and blooms, an array of appreciation gifts for all budgets, or even fruit and snack baskets perfect for sharing at the office, we’ve got all you need for happy employees. Shop with us, or come aboard the Humming family with a few simple steps:

  1. Create a corporate account with Humming and get 10% off when you make your first purchase. 💐
  2. Place hassle-free bulk orders using our Bulk Order Form if you have orders above 10 items! Our friendly and capable customer service officers will contact you shortly to confirm your order so that you can have a peace of mind as you wait for your gift delivery. 🎁
  3. Subscribe to our e-newsletter for exclusive promotions and a $5 gift voucher to get you started. 🧧

If you want to pick out the perfect gift, get in touch with us through the following ways for tailored gift recommendations, made all With You In Mind:

  1. ☎ Call us at +65 6844 2222.
  2. 📱 Whatsapp us at +65 8611 4422 (messages only).
  3. 📩 Drop us an email at enquiry@humming.com.sg.

With that, we hope your employees will be healthier, happier, and be empowered to thrive at the workplace.

See you next time!